Sunday, April 27, 2014

This just felt right today. 
Bought more books. Summer is my prime reading season. That started when I graduated from college and didn't have a full time job. Now it's just habit. 

Trying not to hit send on another BPAL order, but I'm out of Tavern of Hell, and I need it! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

New BPAL order selfies.

New package fresh from BPAL!

Two full size: Ogygia and Luna Sanguinem (Sold out)

Purple box is the good ones and the black is the not so great. 

Purple box also includes my swap meet perfume dupe oils. 

Black box also includes half a dollar. 

My first Imp pack. I've always just bought 6 of my choosing. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I decided to wait till I really needed a new tire to get one.

So I was driving home and this blond lady in a black SUV with a little white dog pulls out in front of me from a newly built Starbucks. She kept looking at me in her side mirror. I pulled into a grocery parking lot and she followed me and pulled in front of me. I was like lady... She told me my tire was flat. I was like "yeah, yeah I know" because it had been losing air. Then I got out and saw it was flat. She told me, 
"My husband is a mechanic, that's really dangerous. You just need to put some air in it." 
I got back in my truck and was about to go to the Circle K across the street but it was getting dark and there were strange men lurking about. So I keep going to the road that leads to my house. It goes by a park and is mostly 30mph. As I was approaching the street to the tire store that is on the corner by my house I think it tore away. I pulled into the tire place  on my rim. 

I am lucky I didn't get in an accident. 
I am lucky I didn't damage my rim. 

I guess when I do it up, I do it up good. damn... 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Contact Dermatitis

So I’m allergic to the oils. I have raised rashes on both my inside elbows where I was putting the oils. I thought it was just one, Ladon. Because I wore it Wednesday and I put a lot on. But this morning I put Tavern of hell on my bra in the middle, and now I have the same rash between my boobs. And it itches. I might die… I took a picture of it and sent it to people asking if if I had Measles. (It’s funny because I’m over vaccinated. When I show people how many times I’ve had my MMR they’re like yeah, you’re good. I think it’s because I moved in high school and they made me get vaccinated and then I went to college and they made me get vaccinated.)
The good thing is I’ll save a lot of money. I guess I could still defuse them and maybe wear them in my hair. I am mostly hair after all. 

How did you get this job?

So my dogs (This was back before Cinnamon left us) ate the spine of a library book. It wasn't that bad, and the book was still totally readable, but I was sure the library would cry about it.  Because avoidance is my friend, I checked it out till I couldn't anymore. Then I returned it. They checked it in, and I thought I got away with it. Then a few days later they charged me 13.99 and stated it was animal damage. I told manchild that was pretty specific and how do they know I didn't eat that book. He told me to stop chewing on books… So I get this letter from the library saying I can either bring them the same book in good condition or pay the fine. So I get on Amazon and they are selling that book for $4.00 prime. Of course I buy it. It comes in three days and I once again avoid taking it in till Friday. ( Mind you I got two letters from them in March stating that the book would only be held for 15 days for inspection then destroyed.) 
So I bring the book in with the letter and walk up to the counter. The lady was nothing short of an idiot. I tell her I had received this letter and here is a replacement book. She says ” your card?” and she stumbles over it. Not even a direct I need your library card. I tell her my number is on this letter look it up and she is like “I guess i can type it in.” Are you fucking kidding me? Of course you can. I’m replacing a book even if someone was pretending to be me and replacing it, take the fucking book. Then I get my library card out and hand it to her. She looks at the screen and gets excited, "Oh good it’s the same!” Would I bring you a different book lady? Seriously. I’d love to work in the library. Can I have your job? I know/hope your not a real librarian. ( Most people who work in the library aren’t since you need a masters in Library Science.) So she checks it in and tells me I owe her 5.00. I tell her I’ll pay that at home and ask if she still has the damaged book. ( I never read it.) She says ” Oh yes, good idea.” and looks in a mostly empty cupboard and pulls it out. Then informs me, ” This is yours now to keep.” Duh. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

BPAL Order 2

I feel that I'm starting to get a grasp of what I'm into. I also feel I'm starting to get obsessed. I made a joke on tumblr if it was possible to crowdfund for BPAL oils.  I know I like clean and fruit. I know I do not likes roses or honey. ( I think honey smells like sweat.)

This time I got the full sized Tavern of hell. I put it on a wash cloth and throw it in the dryer with my clothes.
The winners: 

dragon’s blood resin, golden apple, apple blossom, white musk and hyacinth. Out of the box this was my favorite. I was wearing it before I even was home from the Post Office. Heavenly (And I learned something. I didn't know Ladon was the dragon that guards the golden apples in Greek Mythology.) This smells like fresh cut apples and dries down to a very plesant white musk scent. 

The crisp, clean scent of green tea touched with lemon verbena and honeysuckle. This is one I had high hopes for. It does deliver and I would buy a full size. 

A woody, musky-weird base glooping over with blackberry preserves, a twist of mandarin, strawberry juice, pulverized watermelon, and a handful of smushed gardenia petals.
I'm on the fence about this one. It is good, but not on the forefront to buy a full size. I think it sorta smells like cough syrup in the bottle. 

blood orange, neroli, and raspberry. Sweet but drys down to a nice smell. I also have learned what neroli is since becoming bpal obsessed. It's the oil from the blossom of the bitter orange tree. To me that means this oil is orange, orange raspberry. This more than likely will be the next full size I buy. 

The losers: 
White ginger, jasmine, and a touch of vanilla and apricot. Out of the bottle this smells to me like a really crunchy health food store. The kind that is really legit and not a chain like Sprouts or Whole Foods. 

Venerable and solemn: the scent of incense smoke wafting through an ancient church. A true ecclesiatical blend of pure resins. I sorta hate blends that don't tell you what's in them. What kind of BS is that? I probably will never buy Black Cat because of that. But I do like incense more than anyone else I know. And I did grow up Catholic and I enjoy a good swinging of frankincense and Myrrh. But this just smells like smoke. I think the smell gave me a headache. Why would anyone want to smell like burnt? I tried opening it and smelling it along side Hellfire because that two had " the lingering incense smoke of their black mass". But no. I can still smell Cathedral like chimney smoke after it is put away. 

And this time I got 4 free emps thrown in! 

Black algae, drooping seaweed, salty brine, and crushed coral. I like this one, but I feel it smells too much like store bought bar soap, maybe Irish Spring. This is part of the HP Lovecraft Picnic in Arkham line. I was also happy to get this one because I was interested in the aquatic smells. This one is very fresh and clean, a ting gender neutral. I need to wear it to see what it drys down to. 

Skin musk and honey, blood-red rose, orange blossom, white peach, red apple, frankincense and myrrh. When I opened this one up to review it as soon as I enhaled I said this is the one that has honey in it... It doesn't smell horrible on. But that good ol' frankincense and myrrh comes out stronger than the fruit scents when I test it on my hand. I feel I need to wear this one more as well. 

Crisp sea air, kelp, and climbing vines, flame-singed cedarwood and juniper branches, cypress boughs, alder wood, violets, selino, parsley, glistritha, and white sage. 
This one smells very similar to Deep ones to me. I assume its the sea elements. This would be nice defused as a room scent. Very fresh and clean. I don't really smell the flame singed cedar or any smokey elements. This smell like a clean man to me. 
A beer flavored with marsh arrow grass, yew berries, purple foxglove, and giant hogweed.
What is magical about some of these scents is that even though I don't know what I'd do with them, when you smell them and read the description you think to yourself, "yeah I get that." It does smell like beer. but wait, there is sorta a outdoorsy after a rain smell to it as well.Since I live in the desert I am unfamilar with what Marsh arrow grass, yew berries, purple foxglove and giant hogweed smell like. A  search for hogweed smell finds that it smells like pigs... and slobber.